The greatest wealth is health!

Keeping Summer Healthy

The official "start" to summer was just a couple of days ago and we wanted to provide you with some recommendations for typical things that happen during these months: eating out & getting sunshine! Both are really fun and can be good for us, but both can get out of hand.

We definitely don't want to take the fun out them, but we want to at least discuss better ways to approach them to prevent issues we commonly see in the office.


By Lisa Mislevy MS, RD

It's a beautiful summer evening....your friends want to go out to eat at this amazing outdoor order healthy but then feel tempted by what your friends ordered....and then you're elbow deep in the onion rings. In reality, these things happen to the best of us and it's really not a major situation unless it's a common enough occurrence that you start to feel bad and outgrow your wardrobe. Having fun and letting go is excellent for reducing stress hormones while improving mental health and should be encouraged! I don't want anyone feeling stressed about what they're going to eat when they go out. But if you want to find a happy balance between having fun, not gaining 10 lbs by October or feeling drained- I'd like to offer a solution!

You can have the best of both worlds- have fun going out all summer but continue feeling in control of your health and weight. The food category that can cause weight gain, bloating, fatigue, cravings for naughty foods is none other than CARBOHYDRATES! This isn't to say that carbs are all bad (except sugar), of course, but eating too many too often will not make you happy. They're even worse when they're fried in harmful, inflammatory oils.

Below is a list of menu items you'll find that can be carb-heavy. Again, it doesn't mean you can't have them at all, but just be aware that making an entire meal of them too frequently will add up. You likely know these as high carb foods already but it helps to see them listed:

  • Pasta and rice dishes

  • Sandwiches and subs

  • Burgers

  • Sides with potatoes, rice, pasta, beans

  • Desserts

  • Battered and breaded items

  • Beer, wine, sweet alcoholic cocktails

  • Smoothies, sweet coffee house beverages, etc.

Download this handout to see more about how to order when eating out. it explains what restaurants types you can eat at and how to make lower carb choices. By making sure your entree includes a protein, non-starchy veggie and healthy fat, you will be sure to feel satisfied and full after your meal. If you want to have a smaller side of a healthy carb choice like sweet potato, rice, or beans- this is totally fine! They are healthy carb choices and are satisfying, but shouldn't be the focus of the entire meal.


by Alice Goodall RN, BSN

We all know how damaging the sun can be to our skin, but how can you enjoy your summer while still protecting your skin?  Luckily, we have compiled a list of the best nutrients to keep your skin healthy so that you can keep your summer fun.

  • Dexpanthenol (Vitamin B5) is extremely helpful to your skin. It can help keep your skin hydrated, smooth, and elastic. It has been used as an anti-inflammatory treatment against burns and scarring.

  • Vitamin B Complex- includes several types of the B-Vitamins that are essential in maintaining healthy skin. One of these is Vitamin B-7, which helps the body break down and process fats and other substances. Since the skin relies on fatty acids to protect itself, these vitamins play a large role in keeping it functional and healthy.

  • Glutathione- is a powerful antioxidant that regulates blood flow and is used to treat dangerous free radicals in the blood. This could be anything environmental from long term sun exposure or from something in your diet, Either way it can remove agents that are actively damaging your skin. You can think of glutathione as a cleaning agent that detoxifies your skin cells, making them look clean again.

  • Vitamin C - works to regulate the synthesis of collagen, an important protein for the skin. This means that it can help repair damage caused by UV rays from the sun, thus preventing wrinkles. If collagen is being damaged by the sun, it stops forming new skin cells, thus causing you to look older and wrinklier. A healthy dose of vitamin C can help collagen continue to do its job and keep your skin looking young.

  • Magnesium - is a mineral with a host of health benefits. It helps with blood flow, which keeps all your cells healthy. Magnesium is also necessary for the enzymes that manage DNA repair and replication. Without the mineral, the skin would also be subject to a variety of harmful free radical damage and inflammation that would ultimately lead to wrinkling and skin damage.

The best way to feel the effects of all these nutrients is with simple and easy nutrient IV therapy.  This works by providing your body with the right amount of vitamins and minerals and only takes between 30-45 minutes to enter your bloodstream. This is providing 100% absorption into the body and bypassing the gut.  A nutrient IV drip is the easiest, safest, most cost-effective way to protect your skin this summer.

Summer is about enjoying yourself, so stop worrying about your skin and get the right nutrients to make your summer a blast!

If you need help on any of the above topics, give us a call at 313-290-2250 to set up your appointment today!

Visit our website at to learn more about our services.

Thank you for reading,

Dr. Shah and team